If this resonates with you, I could use funding in a major way. I have continued both the Whale Communicators’ website and this Heart Communicators’ site for 5 years and 11 years respectively now, with no funding except from my dwindling means.
Because of gang stalking, I have not been able to make money at this since 2014. All my emails go somewhere for 8-24 hours before coming to me. Everything is filtered and deleted that I am not to see. No friends or business since this time either. Gang stalking a german stasi army means to gang stalk their victims an disolate their them and try to drive them crazy or induce suicide.
I am broke by dollars but not spiritually (i’m very abundant here & the miracles I am seeing in nature is astounding – We ARE WINNING)
I am without a roof over my head coming into a Colorado winter 2018/19. I am being heavily gang stalked by private individuals and by the military complex. The last apartment complex I lived in March of this year my downstairs neighbor was using an electronic weapon on me nightly. I need help dollar $$$ wise really bad and I hate asking for it – but I am in great need and I’m asking our Creator, his son and the Universe to help bring me the right kinds of pure souls for assistance.
. . . if you are looking for the post ‘I see you’ scroll down in page for that blog.
Click here to tithe or donate to our worthy causes
I also need a room to rent or a small cottage or cabin. I hope someone hears my call. I have lots of skills leading with healing skills whether with humans, animals or the planet or a property, I have good solid -computer skills, web site skills, graphic skills, editing, writing, house cleaning, great gardening skills, elder care and willing to do anything legal to get things done in good order in our world. I am not looking for a free ride – I will exchange money or services.
I will not even discuss or acknowledge an offer that is not legitimate and above board in integrity. Thank you for considering my cry out for help & assistance and I am all about Unity Community and if you need help in your life to do a fair friendship exchange to get things done.
I put about 1000-2000 miles a month on my car. I drive an old gas hog now as my honda civic hybrid died in June with over 300,000 miles. Fourty five dollars $45 fills up my gas tank and allows me to hit almost 150 miles worth of ley lines on Planet Earth. The planetary healing I am doing in Colorado has made a massive amount of difference in these areas I frequent since I have been back in 2015.
Please help me to keep going. We will energetically add your home’s energy to the Web of Life and keep your blessed space in our daily blessings each morning when I am out doing Planetary healing for our planet, humanity and all the animals and life out there.
Thank you very much for hearing my call for help. I have been innunated by darkness on Craigslist and within the state of Colorado since 2014. A good safe place would be so good for this old soul.
Thank You!!!
Click here to donate to Pay Pal on Anastasia’s behalf.
719-433-1416 cell
We can also have a phone call and I can give you my bank information if you want to make a direct deposit into my checking account.
I will gladly sign up anyone who want to donate a tank of gas a month for 2019.
Thank you all for reading and helping if you can. And if you cannot help because you are in a similar boat money wise – please keep me in your prayers and make a comment here so I can keep you in ours.
I SEE YOU . . .
I SEE your human potential and WE ALL SEE our human potential when we begin to question the status quo of our world and where it has gotten us in history and how it is NOT working for us now in this world. So many illusions here on planet Earth and within our Universe.
I learned in 2008 when I lost 7 people to death in 2008 that what I knew in life to this point was less than 5% of what was really going on. While in my state of shock for 18 months, I begin to get telepathic messages but didn’t realize this was how the information was beginning to come to me.
I then took a class in mental telepathy with animals and from there, my 6th senses began to rapidly open and the magic upon the Web of Life, our Creator’s beautiful magic that has been hijacked by the darkness. This beautiful magic was meant as each human’s divine birthright upon this planet from our Almighty Creator to create beauty and miracles unbridled and beautiful to behold. Instead a bunch of bullies and God Wannabes hijacked it and began to use it on the good folks of the planet as Black Magic and Black Sorcery – they added to this invoking satanic and demonic entities to assist in delivering this black magic to others. And thus life on Earth changed radically and it was remembering this knowledge for me that became my daily reality to do whatever I could to improve our existance. We were meant to have this knowledge and we were also meant to have the knowledge and wisdom of all our lifetimes in this one lifetime. Without this information, our leadership (government, military complex, politicians, elitists, sociopaths and psychopaths, etc. . .) have hood winked humanity for thousands of years keeping us in a stuck-on-stupid mental state and using us as their parasitic food source as well as their labor and entertainment.
I began to understand a dark underbelly of our world that had ruled our Universe and enslaved humanity for eons of time. I am an empath and my main 6th sense is clairsensitivity; I FEEL EVERYTHING throughout my body. Especially with people who have been abused in childhood, I can empath exactly the feelings of the person involved.
I know for a fact that all of us can speak this universal language of our planet that all our animals talk to each other with now. It is known as mental telepathy. Once your learn this language your other 6th senses will begin to open.
I learned early on that the whales were the keepers of the akashic records and that by having my records cleared of all discordant energies, I experienced my third eye opening and more of my 6th senses and psychic abilities beginning to take effect in my current lifetime. And from here, I began to remember other lifetimes and the things I am capable of doing: then and now.
I learned life was so much richer and fuller than I could have ever imagined. I learned that what we are fed by our news media, our TVs, our radios, our movies and our music industry was a bunch of trumped up BS that was used to fool the human race and actually to dis-empower them.
Life became so much richer for me spiritually and especially when I walk daily with my ethereal team life took on new dimensions and realities. I also learned there were deadly forces upon our Earth that were willing to take out people like me, those of us who were awakening to who we truly were in this world; not the limited humans we were lead to believe we were. And I learned they were ruthless bullies who would lie about every thing and stop at nothing to control things especially the human assets.
I encourage you to come to my page and read my truths with an open heart. Refrain from judgement and just feel what I am saying in your heart.
How does this information make you feel?
When have you felt like this before?
When we filter our information through our logic center: our brains, we can easily be deceived by EGO. When we filter all truths through our heart – we as humans and Free Will BEings of this Universe are unstoppable.
Learning how to speak our Universal language of mental telepathy and learning how to discern truth were 2 of the first steps I made for great change in my life and then at this point of your awakening, it is a good idea and I highly recommend an akashic record clearing. THEN, you will have the skill set to navigate these waters here on Earth and to discern your answers with 100 accuracy for yourself. You then can find all your answers within and don’t have to tune into outside choices for their TRUTHS because you know how to access our Creator’s authentic truth within yourselves.
You are the ONE we all have been waiting for real change in our world. And together in Unity Community we all can move mountains . . . TOGETHER.
Please come here often and seek, learn and discover your TRUE self. And from this spot bring your enormous empowered BEing to this table of life. And let’s let the conversations began for some newcomers and allow it to continue & flow for others on their paths and let us all allow our fellow men and women to awaken unto their own unique GREATNESS adding to the chorus of our Universe singing out its song of freedom and redemption to the masses.
You are so immensely beautiful and powerful in this heart space and life as you knew it will take on a magical time of great changes and great opportunities for an incredible heaven upon Earth to return to this great planet now by being centered and getting all the monkey chatter and useless nonsense our world feeds up daily through our news media our of heads and hearts and lets replant something that will grow a heaven here upon Earth for all benevolent BEings of our one great Creator.
Let’s begin and share these ‘Conversations that are changing our world.’
Shine your light and speak up folks by singing yoru song – we have lots to do to ensure our success in this new energetic age.
The Evolution of Love is in full swing now.