May our Father bless and hold close to him the pilots whales that have returned to him this week and whom sacrificed their lives for the awakening of humanity.
May our Creator bless your little old hearts and souls of all those still sleeping as our planet is heading full speed to a new future with or without you – PLEASE WAKE UP.
Creator, help us to know how to usher in this new era for all animals as well a humanity. Place that information in our hearts so that we may act accordingly. Help us usher in an era, a future world where animals don’t get killed nor sacrificed for ridiculous reasons.
Where not only the animals but all benevolent species can not only live and survive but where they can truly Thrive as we bring Mother Earth back to center.
Thank you to everyone who helped them in their transition from this planet. Thank you to all the volunteers gave them comfort and love until the died. Thank you to all the humans who get this on a much larger scale and and are helping to move our world forward.
. ི♡♡♡❥ ღ Helping 2 Heal Mother Earth ི♡.•*¨`*•. ི♡♡ ♡❥
Wake Up World We Need
you in your hearts and using your voices.
Be sure to check out some great webpage about Pilots whales from Whale Communicators, a great voice for the whales on the internet. Or this one with more information about pilot whales.
ღ♡ღ ღ♡ღ ღ♡ღ ღ♡ღ ღ♡ღ Let’s Partner in Healing Planet Earth ღ♡ღ ღ♡ღ ღ♡ღ ღ♡ღ ღ♡ღ
A really interesting conversation we had with a humpback whale about genocide in our world a few years back.
Genocide does not discriminate – it just kills.