Feelings I am having as this sperm whale comes in for a telepathic conversation: Big beautiful blue energies coming at my heart. Their energy is so big and beautiful and really clear to be in the presence of them for me.
Anastasia – Do you have something you would like to say to our Pod Mates at this time in our evolution on our Planet?
Sperm Whale Consciousness – Good Job, many of you are sending us light and love and the ocean rings with your contributions now. It is a wonderful fiber to add to the Web of Life and greatly enhances the work that we continue to do for your Planet. Things are shifting fast now and those who have been working on themselves returning over and over and over again to discard all those things that keep you heavy and weighted down as a human will begin to see a completely new world. More depth, color and imagination. Thank you, you have worked so hard with us to make this happen.
~Conversation with a sperm whale and Anastasia Maria.
NOTE from Anastasia: “We all can speak our Universal Language of mental telepathy. The only thing that will hold you back is the doubt you can do it. As you begin to open your intuitive side and all your 6th senses begin to come on board, you will begin to see life as it really is and not for all the illusions put in front of the human race and all benevolent BEings upon our great Earth now.
For those that are having difficult times now and feel lost or without a lot of HOPE. There is always HOPE and you are never LOST. One of the most important things we can do in these times is to find our spiritual connection to our Creator. Not as the religions upon our Planet have told us but connect directly heart to heart. Begin the conversations that will change your life and restore your heart to fullness.
There are a lot of illusions that are being lifted now from this beautiful Planet Earth and humanity stands at the gates of immense change and great transformation upon our planet at time.
A very important decision for all BEings, how do you want to live this out? Ushering the greatest time on earth in and contributing to the whole amazing event with all other benevolent BEings within our Universe or would your rather remain sleeping through this lifetime just b the outer edges of monumental change.
Amazing video of sperm whales on vimeo,