We have to master our fears in order to plow through and over dark malevolet BEings who want to cause harm.

When loving our selves and healing our wounds we must all be careful of our triggers. Avoid them until you feel strong enough to tackle them. Great self love to YOUrself.
Some people are triggered by looking at this kind of stuff. If you are effectively working your inner turmoil out then proceed with protection and caution. However, if you go to fear easily, this is something you don’t need to read right now as it may take you to fear. I put this here to raise awareness and talk about what happened to me to keep me SILENT. (NOT on my watch).
“Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”
~Franklin D. Roosevelt,from his First Inaugural Address
Symptoms: Black Magic & the Spirit World
Black Magic is on the rise as predicted by Mony Singh in the article he wrote of “india Post in 1994. Black Magic is dangerous and can destroy one’s health and well being. It can also kill or make the person commit suicide in extreme cases. The innocent soul seldom finds out that he/she is a victim of Black Magic.
If you think you have become a victim of black magic or the spirit world here are the indications that will help you understand your situation.
Initial stages of possible Black Magic or Spirit activity
- Your sleep is disturbed
- Fatigue or lack of energy to live day-to-day life
- You have Fear
- Disinterest in life
- Hopelessness
- You are irritated for no reason
- You get angry for no reason
- Severe Depression
- Dryness of mouth at night
- Increased thirst
- Obesity in some cases
- Sudden Chills or Goose Bumps
- Tightness around body parts
- You start forgetting things in the spur of the moment and experience memory loss
Copied in its entirety from the website Vedic Wisdom. Thank you Mony Singh for taking the time to put together this wisdom for those whose lives who have been adversely effected by these kinds of bullies in our world.
“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” J. Edgar Hoover – See more at: http://www.henrymakow.com/000166.html#sthash.upEXZ5u0.dpuf
I must say up front, I have NEVER dabbled in black magic or the occult. I am a recovering Catholic, while I am thankful I met God in childhood. The God I knew growing up is not the judgemental over seer that I know and love so completely now. I have learned through conversation with God, Jesus and the cetaceans and other benevolent BEings that formal religion is a distortion of his word. It is meant to keep people dependent upon others for their answers. What I learned is YOU have all the answers within you. That is what I was so missing all my life, my own answers and my own conversations with other wise BEings upon the Web of life. I was raised by a mother who was very damaged and who raged constantly, I would come to learn I picked her to be my mother before I was ever born. And I have to say she has been one of my best teachers thus far in life. She taught me how NOT to be to others in this lifetime. She taught me how to deveolop my heart by never using hers with others and always looking to everyone in the family to meet all her emotional needs. It was too much for kid and it was really difficult being Frieda Housum’s daughter.
childhood adversion to horror films
I went to see the Exorcist when I was 15 and wore a blessed cross for the next year. I didn’t watch horror movies or very rarely. I didn’t like them and didn’t understand that fear factor people like from these films.
When I began talking to the whales and dolphins in my middle age, I learned from a wise orca named Granny that they are ETs and for that matter so was I. Life as I knew it changed radically in 2008 with this information and I stepped into a world of beautiful magic, the God magic that was always each and every human’s divine birthright but has been diluted and polluted for eons of time now. I learned about our beautiful connection to the Web of Life and how nurishing that relationship could bring about incredible happenings in my life when I was out in nature.
I had to bring these messages to the human race in this a digital format for the world to learn about. I invited Mary Getten, an author and animal communicator to share her knowledge and some of her friends with us in a elearning DVD. And this experience making the DVD and getting it to market changed my life in ways I could have never foretold to begin with.
I found unconditional love with the whales and dolphins and spiritual I began to grow at record speed. But then I found an ugly underbelly of the animal communicators and the whale and dolphin industries: a world of hate-filled BEings who take sport in bullying others and taking people down with their bullying tactics.
And not only take me down but any human who dared live in their heart; let alone attempting to teach others how to be in their hearts. And the very magic I was learning about with healing upon the Web of Life is the same magic these dark ones distort and abuse during a full moon or a dark moon and then prey upon the human race with their extra ordinary black magic and black sorcery powers in secret causing great stress and dismay in other people’s lives because they are broken people.
The attacks on Whale Communicators, my cats and myself began in 2010 but I was too busy trying to get the DVD produced and out to market. I worked 16 hour days 6-7 days a week and was not paying attention to my own personal needs which is very characteristic of a child who has been abused. They learn to take a whole lot of shit from others and this is justwhat I did. Just plowed through and ignored it as best as I could and finished the elearning DVD 1.5 years after I had planned on delivering it.
Then in Dec 2012 it took a deadly turn. In my pain, confusion, fear and absolute horror I asked God why this was not stopping and why I was having to clear up to 100 times a day to get them off me, my cats and out of my living space. I asked God what I should call them because I refused to call them the illuminati (too nice a name for actions like theirs) God told me to call them marauders (a word I had never used before) He told me they had raped and pillaged this planet & humanity for ions of time and this was the best word to describe them.
I had been clearing akashic records for a year at this point and this in conjunction with my third eye opening with my telepathic skills was bringing me immense information and knowledge which showed me why I was so confused and why I didn’t feel like I fit into this world. I am a sensitive, I feel everything. It was much too difficult with how some of these ugly ones acted out with their rage and anger on others like it was a sport. And what I learned is for many it was.
These malevolent BEings who look just like you and me in their human skin suits are anything but similar to us in our internal makeup. They are full on in Ego, narcissistic in nature and just down right obnoixious in their view that they are the best thing on this Earth. know who each and every human is on the face of the Planet.
I myself have had several run ins with the greys and with a hybrid of a cross between a grey and the reptiles on our Planet. They are known as the reptilians. The greys wanted a very durable species and they got quite a nasty package in the reptilian form.
The room mate I moved in with in November of 2012, Dawn (Aum Bre) Newton was anything but a kind human trying to help the woman. She allowed 2 dark figures to inhabit her body by night. Really creepy things began to happen right away and within 7 weeks, I would run from the house with the clothes on my back, my cats and my car. A woman who at 52 had given up a 6 figure job in 2008 after losing 8 people to death. I decided that there was just so much more to life than making exorbitant amounts of money off your customers.
So when Dawn put the reptilians into my life full force, my life changed radically. I took off on the road and stayed on the road 6-8 months out of the year the first 2 years. I did land and water blessings daily fighting the HAARPing all along the West Coast of the US. I found that with my Akashic Clearing practice where I help people release discordant energies from their life that I had a knack (for lack of a better word) to clearing the dark entities from our Planet with a huge ethereal team with the likes of Granny, a very wise orca and her brilliant son now in Spirit, Ruffles. Along with them and 1000s of other benevolent spirits we would gather up these dark ones and they would put them before God for final judgement.
This is not a job I ever wanted to do. Mary Getten warned me that I would go crazy or be killed doing this. I told Mary, I couldn’t sit by like she does and all her friends like Penelope Smith, Anne Gordon, & Celeste Eaton to name just a few and act like I was doing something good and even more significant for the whales and dolphins and the world when in actuality I was making a lot of money off them & misleading the human race about who these wise ones truly were – PERIOD END.
I will be doing a video about my exact physical experiences with these nasties because I believe the human race will see many ways they are being attacked as well and had no idea it was these malevolent BEings doing the nasty work to keep humanity down and disempowered.
So check back to this page, I hope to be adding some links soon. Let me leave you with these Characteristics of these Dark Malevolent (MEAN & VIOLENT) Beings so that you can know to stay clear from the likes of these peeps til they are all removed from our Universe.

Click to enlarge
For more information about some of the nasty players on my team that allowed me to promote them for a few years and then stabbed me in the back like I never saw coming. Click here so you can avoid these malevolent BEings. Permalink: http://www.heartcommunicators.com/shining-the-li…ly-on-the-dark
The betrayal of people I worked with and advertised and a few others in the industry who sabotaged me and I believe were all involved in the black magic and black sorcery that they used in many attempts to kill me and did indeed kill my 7 year old cat in 2013 were absolutely horrendous. These people knew about my childhood abuse and went after me with a vengeance attacking my Achilles’ heel. When these attacks came full steam and I was in the darkest night of my soul – NOT ONE OF THESE SOULS I HAVE HELPED OVER THE YEARS REACHED OUT TO HELP.
Anne Gordon did in deed reach out with two donations of $75 which really surprised me based on her constant lies and deception to me while beginning the project and trying to get our dvd out the door. And then about 11 months after she made those donations I happened to see a past ad from Whale Communicators come up on my Facebook feed. And low and behold, Anne was doing what Anne does best – she was advertising her whale trips and Madeleine Walker’s whale trips under Whale Whisperers’ name (on Facebook) posing as the Whale Communicators admin. How the hell Anne Gordon got admin rights to my Facebook page is way beyond me. I know Anne Gordon to be a pathological liar who will do anything for a dollar and to keep her cheating husband married to her even while he impregnates the village girls.
Cyndie Lepori did reach out to me to advertise her and a dolphin communication. Last I heard from her she was telling me I was her best friend – then all the attacks happened and never heard from here again until months later, the morning my cat Lola died. Cyndie’s reike energy was all over my apartment the morning of Lola’s death. I knew Cyndie had been lying to me for 4 years by this time and didn’t post her communication nonsense. Cyndie is the next best liar I know next to her good friend Anne Gordon of Panama.
Mary Getten called me to make sure she got her money for about 2 handfuls of DVDs I sold the year before (in 2012). All these people I had promoted for the previous 3 years all sat on the sidelines and treated it as a spectator sport watching me go down. I didn’t know then but I do know now – they were feeding off my fear. How messed up is it to befriend someone, use them for your own purposes and stab them in the back, steal their ideas and make them your own?
Interested in experiencing this for yourself. Whale Trip season is in full swing this year -They want your dollars and your soul. You may have a great time with the whales and dolphins on one of their trips and you may lose your soul along with your money. I believe the worst of these back stabbers and liars are captured in this picture, but believe me I have several dozens of others on FB who joined in the feeding frenzy and they will be added to this list in the videos coming. Please bookmark our webpages & check back with us in the near future!!! FALSE LIGHT & Bad news Pod Mates, I apologize for presenting them to you as something they can’t even hold a candle to BEing. Fine TRUTHFUL humans of heart! I was bewildered and betrayed by this set up. And the black magic attacks still come on a daily basis now after 5 years. A good day is I only have to clear my place a half dozen times. Pain is common place with the psychic attacks this past 5 years – but I can clear it in a heart beat and I am a expert on removing the darkness from our world now.
If you are having difficulties, please reach out to me and I can make some suggestions for you. Just leave your name and email address in the comments section of any of these pages on Heart Communicators. It will not be posted live – I have to approve first. This is the best way for me to get your messages based upon the past 6 years of constant hacking on my websites, emails, social networks. There is help out there and there are some really good people in our world being hammered just as bad if not worst than I have and some for many decades along with being silenced by the attacks. NO MORE KEEPING THE HUMANS DOWN!!! If we talk about these things the darkness can not live in the deep dark recesses of our world harming others as they have harmed us for many many lifetimes now. GAME OVER for them. God has given them chance after chance after chance. And they have lied, killed, abused, misused, raped, pillaged and any other low vibrating thing their hearts desired. If you remain friends with people like this in our world, you will sink your own ship folks. We must out the darkness and say, “NO MORE.”
These dark lying marauders of our Universe will not be coming with us in this Revolution of Love on our Planet now. Their time to make right is up. GAME OVER. No more chances.They will try to fool you with you must incorporate all dark and light together and love all your brothers and sisters. And just when you do this – they will suck your soul out in one breath.
This is their BS psycho babble New Agers lingo inventions. Totally BULLSHIT – we must do this within our selves – merging the dark and light within us but not with them. NO NEGOTIATION with these low life minions of the dark. The brighter your light and your mission here on Earth, the more they will come at you. They know who you are from past lives. They do not want you EMPOWERED and this is why they went after me and hit me in my weakest points to move me into fear and anger so they could feast off this energy. I was targeted for having the gall to teach other humans that they have access to these higher powers within themselves. By golly, they are the Gods of their worlds and full on in ego. You must have them telling you this and you must come to them for all your answers. You are not to empower yourself with this knowledge. You are to come & pay them to tell you what they want you to know about the whales and dolphins from orders from their DARK leadership. And the TRUTH is . . . we all have always had the answers within ourselves. Stay Strong Pod Mates . . . The best is coming on full steam . . .
Insane Asylums and Mental Hospitals were originally designed
to keep those people who were moving into and working through their 6th senses locked down and stuck-on-stupid. Didn’t want them to feel their feelings let alone use their 6th senses in any way shape or form. The leadership of our world has been very invested in keeping us stuck in this illusion of thiers. WAKE UP WORLD!!! A must watch video.
A powerful video on psychiatry, Inside Britain’s Highest Security Psychiatric Hospital (FULL Documentary) and how we have treated humans over the ages. This is craziness – the profession is craziness at it’s finest.
Yes, there are good people involved with psychiatry but their are also alot of energy sucking vampires using your experiences as their appetizers and many times their main course. You mean nothing more and nothing less to them than a meal ticket. I have met 2 therapists who were very high up the chain who I now believe are part of this dark cancer on our Planet.
Wake Up World – look through all the illusions and then begin the conversations with all the sleepers. Avoid the dark ones and learn telepathy and discernment inbetween :o)
Shining the Light Brightly on the DARK

Anne Gordon DiBarrigon of Panama Whale Watching, the Embera Village Tribe, and Whale Wear. Really dishonest pathological massaginistic sociopath
The betrayal of people I worked with and advertised and a few others in the industry who sabotaged me and I believe were all involved in the black magic and black sorcery that they used in many attempts to kill me and did indeed kill my 7 year old cat in 2013 were absolutely horrendous. These people knew about my childhood abuse and went after me with a vengeance attacking my Achilles’ heel. When these attacks came full steam and I was in the darkest night of my soul – NOT ONE OF THESE SOULS I HAVE HELPED OVER THE YEARS REACHED OUT TO HELP. Anne Gordon reached out with two donations of $75 which really surprised me based on her constant lies and deception. Until I discovered a few months back that she was advertising her whale trips and Madeleines under Whale Whisperers name posing as me. I was all over Facebook advertising her Cetacean Summit as well while I was fighting for my life. How the hell she got admin rights to my page is beyond me. Cyndie Lepori did reach out to me to advertise her and a dolphin communication.
I knew Cyndie had been lying to me for 4 years by this time and didn’t post her nonsense. Mary Getten called me to make sure she got her money for about 2 handfuls of DVDs I sold the year before. They sat on the sidelines and treated it as a spectator sport. I didn’t know then but I do know now – they were feeding off my fear. How messed up is it to befriend someone, use them for your own purposes and stab them in the back, steal their ideas and make them your own?

Mary Getten loves reptiles and whales. You decide if she is naughty or nice. I have had my fill of this dark one and would not waste my money learning about the whales from this false one.
Interested in experiencing this for yourself. Whale Trip season is in full swing this year -They want your dollars and your soul. You may have a great time with the whales and dolphins on one of their trips and you may lose your soul along with your money. I believe the worst of these back stabbers and liars are captured in this picture, but believe me I have several dozens of others on FB who joined in the feeding frenzy and they will be added to this list in the videos coming. Please bookmark our webpages & check back with us in the near future!!! FALSE LIGHT & Bad news Pod Mates, I apologize for presenting them to you as something they can’t even hold a candle to BEing. Fine TRUTHFUL humans of heart! I was bewildered and betrayed by this set up. And the black magic attacks still come on a daily basis now after 5 years. A good day is I only have to clear my place a half dozen times. Pain is common place with the psychic attacks this past 5 years – but I can clear it in a heart beat and I am a expert on removing the darkness from our world now.
If you are having difficulties with darkness around you, please reach out to me and I can make some suggestions for you. There is help out there and there are some really good people in our world being hammered just as bad if not worst than I have and some for many decades along with being silenced by the attacks. NO MORE KEEPING THE HUMANS DOWN!!! If we talk about these things the darkness can not live in the deep dark recesses of our world harming others as they have harmed us for many many lifetimes now. GAME OVER for them. God has given them chance after chance after chance. And they have lied, killed, abused, misused, raped, pillaged and any other low vibrating thing their hearts desired. If you remain friends with people like this in our world, you will sink your own ship folks. We must out the darkness and say, “NO MORE.”
These dark lying marauders of our Universe will not be coming with us in this Revolution of Love on our Planet now. Their time to make right is up. GAME OVER. No more chances.They will try to fool you with you must incorporate all dark and light together and love all your brothers and sisters. And just when you do this – they will suck your soul out in one breath.
This is their BS psycho babble New Agers lingo inventions. Totally BULLSHIT – we must do this within our selves – merging the dark and light within us but not with them. NO NEGOTIATION with these low life minions of the dark. The brighter your light and your mission here on Earth, the more they will come at you. They know who you are from past lives. They do not want you EMPOWERED and this is why they went after me and hit me in my weakest points to move me into fear and anger so they could feast off this energy. I was targeted for having the gall to teach other humans that they have access to these higher powers within themselves. By golly, they are the Gods of their worlds and full on in ego. You must have them telling you this and you must come to them for all your answers. You are not to empower yourself with this knowledge. You are to come & pay them to tell you what they want you to know about the whales and dolphins from orders from their DARK leadership. And the TRUTH is . . . we all have always had the answers within ourselves. Stay Strong Pod Mates . . . The best is coming on full steam . . . ~Anastasia
Fight Black Magic, hoodoo, voodoo and the likes
Some excellent reading on conqueing the dark forces
How to fight monsters and win by Jack London
Defeating negative entities, attacks and energies. by Marshall Dudley

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