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What you do with your heart and how your interact with others in our world with the energy of your heart is the most important thing for our world today. Always CHOOSE LOVE.
The energy and vibration you resonate in our world makes a huge difference to the mass consciousness on our Planet. Align yourself with your hearts. Your hearts hold your truth and the wisdom and essence that only you can bring to our Planet now. Let your light shine. Filter all your truth through your heart. Your truth may not look like your buddies or your spouse. It is uniquely yours and did I mention the brightness and colors are incredible to be within their presence.
A gray whale told me several years ago. “It is time for you humans to get out of your heads and into your hearts”. ~Anastasia
Such wisdom the whales have to share with you – want to learn their language – the language of the Web of Life, for more information, Click here, for an opportunity to know the whales and dolphins like you have not experience before. Over 5 hours of rich interactive learning where you can learn this secret language on your home computer.

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