White Buffalo Prophecy And Other White Animals Showing Up On Earth

The animals are here to help assist in a mind change for humanity and a lasting heart change for all life upon our Planet. It is beyond time in our world now for a cool change; a monumental heart centered change for all BEing in our world and Universe.
Please share our messages and open your heart wide to let our Creator’s love and blessings in. Check out our Whale Communicators & Heart Communicators websites (see links below)
The whales told us in our elearning DVD, Whale Communicators: The Dolphin Human Whale Connection that we did almost a decade ago, that this change upon the planet would require a spiritual connection to our Father, our Earth and all life upon our Planet (the web of life). Those who choose to vibrate at lower frequencies and cause havoc in our world won’t be able to withstand the vibrant high vibrating energies coming to our planet anymore.
Peace, love and harmony will prevail and we will rebuild on the proper foundation (love & Unity with great respect for all God’s BEings.) and make this Planet a heaven upon Earth without all the corruption and darkness that has plagued us for 1000s of years.
We must join hearts and hands and share ideas in Unity Community to get there. We must do things that have never been done before. We must share ideas and dreams and bring ourselves together in Unity Community to rebuild and do this.
I love you and thank you for watching and sharing our video/s.
☮(◠‿◠)☮ PEACE ~Լ♡ƔЄ~ FREE ♡(◠‿◠)♡

Music by:
The incredibly talented & generous Kevin MacLeod
“Deep Relaxation Preview” by Kevin MacLeod
License: CC BY
Websites: https://heartcommunicators.com
https://whalecommunicators.com (messages from some of the wisest beings on the planet)
Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/Heart-Communicators-formerly-known-as-Whale-Communicators-156522067720847/
YouTube Channels: Anastasia Maria (main channel)
(back up channel – Anastasia Maria (back up channel )
Wisdom Messages:
~♡♡☮❥♡~ Partners in Healing Planet Earth ~♡♡☮♡(◠‿◠) ~