What an amazingly strong spirit with such a beautiful heart and soul. It is people like this who can change the world and who do change it.
Wake Up, Stand Up and Speak Out to others about how we might come together in Unity Community with others and change our world from the inside (using our hearts) out. On way to start this chain reaction would be to share this video or this link with others.
I had a whale tell me once through animal communication that in order to change our outer planet we must go within ourselves and clean out our internal planets of all things that are blocked and not working. This woman is the epitomy of cleaning out darkness and hatred within ourselves so we can heal and we can grow and we can find meaning in their lives, no matter how short that time may look. To be able to get to the level of forgiveness this woman has takes work and strengthens hearts, wills and our relationship with our Creator. All things are possible in this place.
I see this woman’s son so proud of his mother as he walks with her all day long every day on her journey. He is just a veil away from her and out of sight . . . but Oh, can she feel him and draw strength from his life and his love.
We are amazing spiritual BEings have a human experience here on Earth right now. Stay in that place of BEing and knowing in life. Don’t get caught up in all the chaos and darkness in our world. A new day is dawning and those like this women will celebrate the massive victory soon.
Blessings and Blissings to all on this day on planet Earth.