Category Archives: free whale desktop backdrop and exercise

Your HISTORY is not accurate . . .

We are lead to believe what ‘they’ want us to believe. ***’they’ = the ruling elite in our world. Born into bloodlines or chosen for an advanced programmable slave. They are the core of all historical socitieites and anything to … Continue reading

Posted in Anastasia Maria, awakening, betrayal, black arts, black magic, con artist, dark, darkness, free whale desktop backdrop and exercise, history, history is skewed, inaccurate history, luciferian, luciferians, political power | Comments Off on Your HISTORY is not accurate . . .

free imbued Whale Communicators & Heart Communicators Desktop Backdrop

I am sharing some of God’s magic with you. The magic that was meant for us all on Earth but was manipulated and used against good humans throughout the ages. Going forward I will be sharing more and more of … Continue reading

Posted in desktop background, free whale desktop backdrop and exercise, heart communicators, whale communicators | Comments Off on free imbued Whale Communicators & Heart Communicators Desktop Backdrop