Category Archives: doing the right thing

severe weather warfare manuevers happening all over globe

the dark cancerous underbelly of our world is acting up HORRIBLY this month. Weather manipulations can make waves or tsunamis when you push a button on the HAARP machine. Check out this article   ‘Strange waves rippled around the world, and … Continue reading

Posted in airbusts of nuclear weapons, awakening, betrayal, cern, corruption, cosmic rays, cowards, dark, doing the right thing, El Paso County Police Department, freemasons, genocide, geo-engineering, illuminati, inaccurate history, integrity, ionispheric warfare, land & water blessings, Mother Earth, orbs, spirits, waking up, water, weather modification, Weather War Fare, Whale and Dolphin Wisdom Retreats, wisdom | Comments Off on severe weather warfare manuevers happening all over globe

weaponizing victimhood to defend kavanaugh

  It is a sad day (once again in American Supreme Court history) A disgrace to the human race by the repeated by behavior by out of control WHITE MEN. ___________________________________________________ Christine Blasey Ford is a incredible human being. She … Continue reading

Posted in bad boys, boofing, Brett Kavanaug, Brett Kavanaugh, character, cowards, Daily Show, Daily Show with Trevor Noah, doing the right thing, donald trump, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, honor, Mark Judge, rapist, sexual predator, Trevor Noah, Uncategorized, white boys club, white male sexual predator | Comments Off on weaponizing victimhood to defend kavanaugh