Category Archives: whale & dolphin trips

do not go to fear

    Learn how to get down on your knees and pray or praise. Mother Earth needs every one of us.     It is time for a Cool Change to  sweep over this Earth and our Universe. All those … Continue reading

Posted in animal communication, Animal Talk, Anne Gordon DiBargon, Anne Gordon DiBarrigon, cetacean summit, cetacean telesummit, Divine Dolphin, dolphin healer, Dolphin Healing, dolphin whisperer, Mother Earth, New World Order, Reptilian Infestation, Reptilian Invasion, Rothchilds, spirits, waking up, water, whale & dolphin trips, Whale and Dolphin Wisdom Retreats, whale wear, whales, wisdom of the whales, witch, witchcraft | Comments Off on do not go to fear

Conversation about Repurposing

Repurposing a Life    “I had a friend ask me on Friday, “What are you going to do this weekend to really love yourself?” What an excellent question I told her – I love this question and will be asking … Continue reading

Posted in akashic healing, akashic records, Anastasia Maria, animal communication, animals, Astrology King, awakening, cetacean summit, conversations, dolphin healer, Dolphin Healing Group, embera village tours, Findhorn Press, heart, heart communicators, heart songs, integrity, Interspecies Telepathic Communication, iwhales, Joan Ocean, Madeleine Walker, occult, Penelope Smith, repurposing a life, whale & dolphin trips, whale communicators, whale watching panama, whales, wisdom, wisdom of the whales | Comments Off on Conversation about Repurposing

You Were Born to Fly . . .

You were born with wings why prefer to crawl through life ~Rumi

Posted in airbusts of nuclear weapons, akashic healing, ascension, awakening, conversations, dolphin healer, Dolphin Healing, Dolphin Healing Group, heart, heart communicators, heart songs, peace, waking up, water, whale & dolphin trips, white whale, wisdom, wisdom of the whales | Comments Off on You Were Born to Fly . . .

Anne Gordon de Barrigon (Panama)

Anne Gordon De Barrigon is a Dark Pretender & Not Someone You Want to Lead U Spiritually Anne’s personal webpage has the following quote on the front page – “I love to inspire others to follow their heart and find their … Continue reading

Posted in animals, Anne Gordon, Anne Gordon DiBargon, Anne Gordon DiBarigon, Anne Gordon DiBarrigon, betrayal, bwitch, cetacean summit, cetacean telesummit, con artist, dark, darkness, dolphin healer, Dolphin Healing, Dolphin Healing Group,, dolphins, embera village tours, False Light, heart, heart communicators, heart songs, land & water blessings, liar, marauder, mental telepathy, Panama Whale Watch, peace, satanics, spirits, Spiritual Teacher, Trip Advisor, whale & dolphin trips, Whale and Dolphin Wisdom Retreats, whale communicators, Whale Watching Guide, whale watching panama, whale wear, Whale Whisperer, whales, wisdom, wisdom of the whales, witch | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Anne Gordon de Barrigon (Panama)

WARNING – Whale Watching Season & Corruption in the ranks

Whale Watching Trips are in full swing for recruiting now. We no longer endorse or never did* endorse (*asteric by name) these following people and their trips. I was horrified to learn who was who behind the smiles and wonderful … Continue reading

Posted in animal communication, animals, Center For Whale Research, dolphins, heart, heart communicators, heart songs, iwhales, Ken Balcomb, oceania project, Orca Network, orcas, peace, Susan Barta, teresa wagner, whale & dolphin trips, whale communicators, whales, wisdom, wisdom of the whales | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on WARNING – Whale Watching Season & Corruption in the ranks

Facebook corruption continues hiding the darkness in our world

My post about these low life dark ones who continue to attack our Facebook pages and websites with their dark agendas. People please help me spread the word on how these lowlifes are operating and who they are. Without shining … Continue reading

Posted in Center For Whale Research, dolphins, HAARP, heart communicators, ionispheric warfare, iwhales, mental telepathy, oceania project, orcas, peace, tillicum, Uncategorized, US Governments Covert Operations, whale & dolphin trips | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Facebook corruption continues hiding the darkness in our world

Thanks For Your Patience as we once again REBUILD our websites & offshore our hosting.

Patience and Faith have kept me going for 3 years strong now. I walked some dark roads and lived to talk about it. I am so ready to talk about love again and build and grow upon the messages of … Continue reading

Posted in animals, dolphins, heart, heart communicators, heart songs, mental telepathy, peace, Uncategorized, whale & dolphin trips, whale communicators, whales | 685 Comments