Category Archives: intuitive skills

magic in the inbetween

This is quite the orca encounter. Watch the whole setting as this woman and this orca connect. Watch closely as the sun reflects off the water and then off the water reflected on the orcas nose. Then the smoke mist … Continue reading

Posted in alternate realities, Anastasia Maria, animal communication, animals, awakening, building poisitive intuition, cetacean summit, Collective Consciousness, conversations, dolphin, Dolphin Healing, dolphin whisperer, heart, heart communicators, Interspecies Telepathic Communication, intuitive skills, land & water blessings, mental telepathy, Orca Network, orcas, past lives, soul work, whales, whales are the keepers of the akashic records, wisdom, wisdom of the whales | Tagged | 1,542 Comments

full moon mother load orb

WOWser, this is incredible. If you zoom into the giant orb there are all kinds of beings inside there. I think this is, hands down,  the biggest ORB in relationship to other objects in the picture that has ever shown … Continue reading

Posted in akashic records, alternate realities, Dolphin Healing, full moon, geo-engineering, HAARP, heart communicators, history is skewed, intuitive skills, land & water blessings, Mother Earth, New World Order, orbs, Shriever AFB, Sorcerers, Super Soldiers, Targeted Individuals, Todd Vidic, US Air Force, Whale and Dolphin Wisdom Retreats, Whale Watching Guide, whales, wisdom of the whales | Comments Off on full moon mother load orb

conversation with ourselves

This awakening process is a journey and unfortunately it does not come  with the wave of a magic wand. It is the most important work you will every do. It is the most difficult work you will every do. It … Continue reading

Posted in akashic records, alternate realities, Anastasia Maria, ascension, awakening, conversations, heart, heart communicators, integrity, intuitive skills, land & water blessings, Mother Earth, repurposing a life, spirit, Uncategorized, waking up, water, weather modification, wisdom | Comments Off on conversation with ourselves

eye see the bigger picture now . . .

Communication is key now . . . Stay in your heart space working your heart energy from within and shining it out in our world & our Universe. Imagine yourself a redwood tree supplying great energy to our Universe and … Continue reading

Posted in akashic healing, akashic records, conversations, Dolphin Healing, dreamtime, heart, heart communicators, heart songs, intuitive skills, land & water blessings, mental telepathy, Mother Earth, orcas, peace, spirits, Uncategorized, water, whale communicators, whales, white whale, wisdom, wisdom of the whales | Comments Off on eye see the bigger picture now . . .

a team we are

She’s the only one we got! Love her every single day. Send blessings to her waterways and her land masses every day. Spend time in meditation or the state of BEing (like the whales suggest we do much more in … Continue reading

Posted in ascension, Collective Consciousness, dolphins, Dr. Emoto, heart, heart communicators, intuitive skills, land & water blessings, Mother Earth, orcas, spirits, water, weather modification, wisdom of the whales | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on a team we are