Victims of Black Magic and Voodoo Witchcraft surpasses AIDs cases in 2012


In 2012, victims of black magic and voodoo  witchcraft will supercede the number of aids cases on the planet. Humanity is more at risk by fellow humans that are venturing into the dark side of our consciousness and we should do something to stop the practice of dark arts.  ~Mony Singh


NOTE:  I post things on black magic, satanics, occultism, the illuminati and New World Order because I began being attacked by these folks in 2010 and in early 2013 it escalated and killed my 7 year old cat in Feb of 2013 and it was not until July of that year that I knew I would be able to live through it. I was totally side swiped around Christmas 2012 when I moved in with a new room mate who professed to work with Mother Earth like I did and to work for God. But she insisted on calling him Goddess/God. Horrendous lessons and a major education in a cancerous underbelly that has ruled our world for over 2000 years. Lots of Presidents of the US sold their souls to the Free Masons and sold you and I out along with this initiation into the dark arts.

I survived and you can to if you are being attacked with the black arts. If you need help or direction, reach out to me  Blessed BE  ~Anastasia

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