fashion is embedded with the dark cancerous underbelly of our world

Are you a Satanista or Fashionista?

The fashion world has been horribly corrupted!!!

So have our interior decorating options and choices for what we put in our homes. Notice all the red houses or red doors in our neighborhoods or the wonderful black, red or white stars they put on their houses. Guess who you have for neighbors folks? They hide among us and are usually creatures of the night.

Our world is currently based upon a system of black magic, satanism, luciferianism and bad things: crimes by bad people going under the radar as they take down good folks in our world.

It is crazy now because Mother Earth, our benevolent Father and his Son and humanity are moving forward – EMANCIPATED FROM THIS DARKNESS.

You can NOT PASS GO and move forward into a better world without acknowledging and moving past this darkness. Closing your eyes to it KEEPS YOU STUCK in this cess pool of filth.


Perhaps you should organize a neighborhood red shoe burning party – or red wardrobe/free mason black and white checkered fabric burning party and start coming up with practical positive ways to look out for each other. To fill the world with more love.

Unity Community is very important at this time.


Please check out the following links on  Red Shoes as well and share this page with your email lists or social medias.

(thank you!)


“Why the red Shoes? Behind the RED DOOR!”


Discussion on Red Shoes on VOAT


This entry was posted in betrayal, bwitch, dark, darkness, fashion, fashionista, fasion, Findhorn Press, human skin shoes, liar, luciferian, luciferians, mind control, mk ultra, Mother Earth, New World Order, Non Compliance, occult, occultism, oceania project, padeophilia, red shoes, reptilians, satanics, satanism, satanista, Sorcerers, split realities, waking up, wisdom, witchcraft and tagged . Bookmark the permalink.

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