just BEing
Not doing one thing . . .
no chasing after dogs . . .
kids . . .
grandkids . . .
paying bills,
dr’s appts . . .
taking care of parents . . .
No speaking
No thinking
No anger or dissappointment allowed here
IT IS YOU time . . . a great time to balance all of it out again and gather steam and strength and food for your heart and soul with your brothers and sisters of the rainbow. Give yourself at least 20 minutes to an hour in nature – away from it all. In a place with a view of the outdoors and maybe a plant if you can’t get out in nature, bring it to you.
So practice “Just BEing” by breathing deeply and moving slowly somewhere in a beautiful setting out in a in nature all by yourself. Maybe a few animal friends and ethereal friends but otherwise by yourself. No interruptions . . . just an observer. This is my favorite kind of me time. I have seen some amazing things, like a bear taking a splash and afternoon bath right below me in the woods. Far enough away that I didn’t run but close enough to have an incredible eye full of this little hummer. To have a mother and baby pass by my car while I am napping. These animals have so much to share with us if we will only allow them to have this exchange with them. And we have to be in that calm place within. The buddha field or going beyond and connecting with your High Self Committee.
No speaking
No thinking
No anger or dissappointment allowed here
Hold this sacred space for yourself in a beautiful sign of self love and deep connection to the Web of Life, Mother Earth and all benevolent BEings upon the Web of Life.
And So It Is . . .