It is the elite of the US Military practicing interaction skills with the human race in America from 11pm to 4:30am every day of the week between July 15th and September 15th. They are already in Colorado setting up shop in unmarked cars (nice SUVs and Jeeps that eat lots of gasoline) and out of uniform.
Some say this may be the beginning of Mashall Law and losing our rights as ‘free citizens’ ( http://allnewspipeline.com/Jade_Helm_2015.php )
Also check out this article a while back by Newsweek (be discerning it is Newsweek and they have worked for this mislead media group for ages for this self appointed elite group). http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/…/P…/marshall_law_is_here.htm
I met a couple Nick and Deborah from Florida last month. They were with Nick’s mom Jody and they had come to Colorado to begin a new life – an awakened life. They left their young child with Deborah’s parents until they could secure a home and go get their baby.
I showed Nick a great camping space for his family two weeks ago. I went to visit them a week ago Sunday and check in with them while I was out and about doing water blessings. Their tent was torn by a bear. The next night it looked like their site was raided by a bear again.
I called Deborah by phone and texted a few times. She wrote me day before yesterday saying they were working alot in Cripple Creek (both she and Nick landed jobs 2 weeks before never mentioning they never returned to their camp. This is 3 adults, a pit bull, a pug and a poodle all living in a SUV now instead of their campsite with over $1000 of camping equimpment . . . I don’t think so . . . )
When I first spent the night in the Crags campground, a campground and area I have been visiting for over 30 years (on the backside of Pikes Peak) in early June I was very alarmed at all the snow still on the ground as well as another abandoned camp of a man and woman’s belongings. The campers next to this spot tried to tell me these people came up there and just dumped stuff they needed to get rid of instead of going to the dump. These same people also let their unleashed dog come right up to me barking and nipping. BULLSHIT – THERE was camping equipment, clothing, food, etc . . . This was no dumpsite and these folks I talked to were mean spirited and very unhelpful.
Were did they take the humans? Nick? Deborah? Jody? Fema camps???
Something is so off on this, I couldn’t put my finger on this the past 10 days. I went to their site again yesterday and all their belongings have been confiscated by a homeless couple a few campsites over, the forestry service, and it looks like a white mercedes traveling van and whoever else was there to go through the items. The homeless couple I have met before at Yeager’s Cafe & Market in Lake George, Colorado. https://www.facebook.com/yeagersmarketandcafe/photos/pb.827067650705229.-2207520000.1436146257./829237260488268/?type=3&permPage=1 This is a new business owned by a Ex Warrant Officer, Lisa Cartier Yeager, who just retired from the Army last fall after 18 years and bought the Old Lake George Inn.. Yeager’s Market sure has a lot of used camping equipment . . . Hmmmmmm, hmmmmmm, hmmmmmm. Something or someone or many someone’s are/is rotten in Lake George and the Pike’s Peak National forest.
A sign was put on their belongings 72 hours ago by the forestry service & the homeless couple told me the forestry service told them the owners had been obtained – wtf??? Yet, I had someone text me yesterday morning as Deborah. She hasn’t picked up my calls for a week now.
The homeless couple was also given til this morning to get out of every Pike National Forest or threatened with arrest (officially 8 days before the onset of Jade Helm). I gave them the only cash I had on me – $13 (my food money for the next 4 days). They were sitting on $14.00 without my addition. This is inhumane!!!
Maggie’s awakened and she has her intuitive skills to fall back on for she & Doug. I believe they have a better chance knowing what they know rather than being side swiped like Nic, Deb and Jody were.
Help, I need advice – who do I alert? What do I do? I know the police and our government is involved . . . our military as well.
Who you gonna call?
Follow up – after talking the police department and the forestry service the week after this happened. They told me that the night my friends disappeared that 5 campsites of people up and left ALL their belongings, camping equipment, vehicles etc . . . and just disappeared into thin air.
Millions of people are disappearing from our national forests and no one is keeping records on this (Forestry Service or Police Department which sounds like complete collusion and obstruction of any real justice for these folks to me) Human trafficking and organ harvesting is being tossed around as the reason behind this.
I went to the Midnight Rose in Cripple Creek where Deborah had just gotten a job in 2015 and asked the Human Resources director to go through her files and get me Deborah’s information about family to call in case of emergency. The lazy woman who was in charge of the Midnight Rose’s personnel told me that she would have to go through 75 files and she wasn’t going to do it. I wish I remembered her name – she was more interested in her looks and clothing than in the death and disappaearance of one of her employees. Karma sure is going to crack a few people in their arses very soon here.

Please boycott Midnight Rose folks!!! Cripple Creek is one dark place to visit – you would NOT want to live here.
Wake Up World As of 9/4/17 Nothing on my friends – they vanished into thin air in early July 2015. Lots of ATV tracks on the mountain behind them leading to their campsite that I never saw before. And the forrestry service and Divide police department have nothing else to contribute or follow on this matter.