You’ll find the demonic names and meanings of a whole bunch of male and female demons who have been feared, worshiped or thought to be the talk of myth and mystery. Compiled here are demon names that should perk your interest, or have you researching about some pretty dark entities. Let’s take a look at some of these infamous demons names.
Fallen angels or demons, are considered inhuman beings that are more spirit than anything else, and are negatively looked upon as unclean and unholy. The demons are always shown as scrawny, or towering beasts with sneers and a feeling of death that settles upon their name and fame. Demons go as far back in literature as the 1940s, backpedaling maybe even decades before this century.
A lot of people look towards demons as icons of worship/reverence – known as entities of extreme power and control, where anything is attainable and harm to those around you is likely. Some people want to name their kids after demons, where a lot of them believe strongly in what they mean and convey.
Demonic Names List
Thank you Buzzle for this list and input on the dark underbelly of our world: