Remember before falling to sleep, call in the whales and dolphins. Ask that they protect you during this dreamtime and only allow God’s benevolent BEings in this space with you.
Ask the dolphins and whales to help you remember who you are and the gifts you have to bring forth to our world at this time.
Do this for 3-5 nights and then write me and tell me what happened to you during this time.
If you have no recollection of anything happening, don’t be disheartened, some of us have more stuff to work through than others and those things that keep us stuck don’t allow us clarity of thought like this in our 6th senses readily (sometimes – not the case for everyone)
But if you are beginning to have dreams of our cetacean families and you are beginning to get information from them, write it down when you wake up. Keep a dream journal or a communication journal with them. Because once you begin the conversations with the whales and dolphins – doors begin flinging open wide to new things you had never thought of before.
The whales and dolphins have this way of giving us these messages in bits and pieces. We see one thing the first go round and get a totally different facet from the same gem of wisdom next time we look at it.
Their wisdom is a gift that keeps on giving. They are not free will and so we have to invite them in.
If you begin to have many dreams and visions doing this, consider an akashic record clearing with me and you can find that information on our whale communicators website – it will set you on fire on your path in the most positive way every imaginable to a human. It will open a pathway into your 6th senses that will light you up and begin to assist you in BEing your best you EVER – from all your lifetimes – EVER ever Ever!!! :o)