My post about these low life dark ones who continue to attack our Facebook pages and websites with their dark agendas. People please help me spread the word on how these lowlifes are operating and who they are. Without shining the light on the darkness in our world this cancerous underbelly continues to mutate & doesn’t die out quickly. The light and encasing these folks in a energetic bubble of God’s love and cetacean energies is a better send off than they have ever deserved. This morning on Facebook – 3-17-16

The crown represent secret socieities, the elite and royalty and reptilians. Look at the raped Mother Earth in the background while Dora laughs in the face of humanity.
This is a ripe and dark profile liking our posts this morning. I am under heavy psychic attack here now 6 years later and I am laughing about it and they can’t friggin touch me any more and I am smiling ear to ear about that and making my dreams of wiping out all darkness here on Earth so the humans, the whales, the dolphins, Mother Nature and all benevolent BEings can truly live in a heaven on Earth.
So I am bumping up my clearing of the darkness on the Planet and I want to thank Dora for the inspiration this morning. Because of you, my inspiration to rid our world of people who allow darkness to possess them even bigger! You will feel it completely in 3 days. You will have absolutely no more 6th senses and no magic powers of any kind by then.
I love this picture on Dora’s page (picture of Frieda above) but I think she is misinterpreting it. Frieda was not a sell out – Frieda highlighted the problems in our world. Thus the darkness and the black bird and the butterflies. She was hinting at the world about the cancerous underbelly of our world. The club that Dora and many who come to my page are members of. Also be sure to check out Doras natural eye color on her page and then how she looks when she is allowing the dark to take possession of her. (One cannot make this shit up folks.)

dora’s eyes are light in her MANY fb selfies, however, when the eyes go dark like this – tell tale sign that demonic possession or dark entity possession is occurring.
In fact, I believe that Facebook has my alogarythms set to these kind of folks only and have let some of the dark ones I represented in 2009-2011 use my leads as their own now and use the merits of my hard work while I have been run out a means to make a living or keep a roof over my head long term.
The tide has turned and dora – Peeps like you are thru.
Pod Mates, I hope each of you will take a moment to peruse Dora’s page (see photo to left) or some of the other likes and comments on our pages in the past few years (not all but an overwhelming amount of dark in comparison to light humans coming to these pages). Facebook cut off all new comers being added to our pages in April of 2014 and I have lost over 2000 since then. We use to have people swarm to our pages to the tune of 500-2000 a week – Now Facebook gives these leads to those who took me down and never ever slapped the wrists of those attacking me when it was going down to tune of 1000s in a night. They did suspend me for saying to one of these attackers I was tired of this shit and would not let me back on my own page for 24 hours. This all shows how the sellouts operate and think – which is on the lowest vibration of any vibrational chart in our world. Because in this place, this is where the dark ones can come in and possess them and then feed off the same low vibrating energy that they are into. Sell Outs who have been sold out. Vicious circle.
And Facebook has made how much money off this invention Mark Zuckerburg stole from his friend. And Facebook has watched and allowed thousands of attacks on me on my page over the years. They have allowed some of these dark ones access into my FB pages to make changes and gather their own leads.
Anyone know a really good lawyer – This needs to see the light of day and if I have to transmute these dark energies in a court room, I am willing to go there now that I know what is behind this all and how they operate.
I will split any monetary rewards for the 7 years plus of DAMAGES – 50/50 to see Facebook be held accountable for what they are doing to the human race and small honest businesses attempting to bring peace and wisdom to the world.
Wake Up World!!!
Whale Watching season is recruiting who they want to spend BIG BUCKS with them this year. I do not recommend the following false ones. Click post below to see whose who in this industry of traitors.
Time to Take you money for Whale Trips
These fakes want your money for their whale trips and would love your soul as well. Are you spiritual strong enough to handle what they have for you. Or like me, do you have 3-5 years to figure out what they hell was cast upon you. Learn from my mistakes on this one. Trusting Mary Getten and her friends is not condusive to learning the truth about the cetaceans or our history here on Earth.
Post will permanently reside here on my offshored website so that these peeps (friends of Mary Getten) or the US government cannot change my words, edited my work or malign me some more with their actions and black arts. If you want to see some of the dark ones who set me up and attempted to take me down in 2010 to now, they love the business our pages have brought, only problem was they wanted me completely out of my own picture I dreamed and envisions and put out to the world. So many sheep in wolf’s clothing. Wake Up Word and know that the wolf is a huge symbol among the dark secret societies right now. They like to laugh in our faces at our ability to see the best in people.