Shining the light on some of the worst evil in our Universe

HINT: Tied to money in our world and they are the bottom dwellers of our Universe

“Amschel’s story is a great tragedy. A sensitive, intelligent and good man is born into a megalomaniacal family of generational satanists. He discovers he must be a ruthless predator. It’s not in his character. He has a soul. He resists and is murdered”. HenryMakow, Ph.D



Computer-TruthWillSetYouFreeSo many imposters and people pretending to be something good in our world when they are something so all together the opposite of what they represent. This is a twist on the dark families of our world. A family who bore a man that was too nice and too sensitive to be a Rothchild. Hmmmmm. . .

These dark imposters of our world have injected their dastardly ways into in the healing arts, the organic food production industry, the God industry of religion, the banking dynasties, royalty, government, institutions, orphanages, medical profession, the pentagon, the white house, our world leadership and even in the whale and dolphin industry. Toxcity EVERYWHERE!!! & especially in the areas that can do good in our world. They need to be there to make sure it does not suceed.

God tells me there is good and bad in every section of humanity whether you look at age, race, demographics, nationality, or religious affiliation, etc . . . God tells me 66% of the world is working a dark agenda pretending to be something else. Only 33% of us are benevolent humans who will go on once we clean up all the dark doo doo.



shatterthesilence_Wake Up and educate yourself and then spread the word to others. Raise awareness, be discerning about your friends and the loved ones you allow in your vibration field. Cut lose the losers and abusers of our world. Set your heart and soul free people!!! You are the only one who can save yourself.

LucifersEyeAmchel Rothchild was murdered in 1996. Many say he didn’t have the stomach for the dirty work like his other relatives Newspapers reports would be sniffy about his prospects; they implied his profile was too low, that with his gentle manner he was too “nice”, that he lacked the killer instinct. So he was murdered with his own bathrobe tie. And so many stories around this. These rich folks are truly whacked. Amschel told others before his murder that he had met with the devil; he called him Lucifer. Dark people hang with some bottom dwelling low lifes. He says the eye of the US’s dollar bill is Lucifers’s eye.




For more pictures of the Rothschilds’ parties, click here.

Check out this video (above) title, “Amschel Says Rothschilds Meet with the Devil” that actually reports actual and realistic information about these people that never made the mainstream news. Hmmmm, they own mainstream news Hmmmmm, LOL, i wonder why they never report this perverted sh%t they do???? The way these people entertain is disgusting and vile. So much symbolism in those later photos of this video above. Be sure to watch and take note.

All darkness is whacked and at the same time they are being whacked by the light as I speak.  Yay God and  Woooo whooo to your armies of dedicated warriors of light. May this all come to a close at Godspeed.



Do your own research and check out some more articles I found interesting on this topic and intuited, yes this is truth – post it.

Article abut Amscel Rothchild

Amchel Rothchild obituary

Interesting article tied to the Hilton/Rothchild marriage last year and has some information about this Amchel Rothchild’s murder.

The New World Order invading religious houses and putting their stamp up them

Amschel’s story is a great tragedy. A sensitive, intelligent and good man is born into a megalomaniacal family of generational satanists. He discovers he must be a ruthless predator. It’s not in his character. He has a soul. He resists and is murdered.

The Zionist Elephant in the Room by David Icke

They Dare Not Speak Its Name … Rothschild Zionism

Nicely done video explaining the Rothschild occultist symbolism at their parties

The Great Rothschild Exposing the most dangerous man in the world.


This entry was posted in Alan Dershowitz, Amschel Rothchild, Bill Clinton, dark, darkness, heart communicators, Hilton-Rothchild, illuminati, Jeffrey Epstein, liar, luciferian, luciferians, marauder, New World Order, occult, occultism, padeophilia, Prince Andrew, Rothchilds, satanics, satanism, whale communicators, wisdom, witch and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink.

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