Category Archives: dolphins
kite boarding with whales and friends . . .
Excellent video I have to share one more video. An incredible video that shares with humanity how animals can see underwater, as in the ocean. So very cool to watch how an octupus adapts to his environment. Just breath … Continue reading
aerial orcas
Orca is encouraging us to remember who we are and to open our hearts wider and let more love in . . . to Wake UP and realize your amazing brilliance and abilities. Continue reading
People brave enough to speak about the unspeakable and make the actions become unacceptable to us all.
You what I find CRAZY . . . not those conspiracy theorists who tell the truth about what is truly going on in our world. But I think its CRAZY all the people who are sleeping and would rather listen … Continue reading
Conversations with the Amazon River Dolphins
Amazon River Dolphin Communication with Anastasia in Dec 2011 “I am one of the species that will be leaving your Planet forever. It has been my honor to work with humans to raise the consciousness of this Planet. We have … Continue reading
a team we are
She’s the only one we got! Love her every single day. Send blessings to her waterways and her land masses every day. Spend time in meditation or the state of BEing (like the whales suggest we do much more in … Continue reading
Dreamtime with the cetaceans
Remember before falling to sleep, call in the whales and dolphins. Ask that they protect you during this dreamtime and only allow God’s benevolent BEings in this space with you. Ask the dolphins and whales to help you remember who … Continue reading
Solar Eclipse 3-8-16
“This solar eclipse represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. This solar eclipse astrology focuses on the healing of a deep wound in your soul, represented by Chiron alongside the solar eclipse. It may … Continue reading