Category Archives: Uncategorized
half awake in a fake empire . . .
nuclear warning in hawaii last night 1-13-18
Massive mind games about to go down with humanity . . . Stay calm and in your hearts – in that space of just BEing. Our prison guards (New World Order and their minions) want us in a state of … Continue reading
kite boarding with whales and friends . . .
Excellent video I have to share one more video. An incredible video that shares with humanity how animals can see underwater, as in the ocean. So very cool to watch how an octupus adapts to his environment. Just breath … Continue reading
FEMA in Houston is not good . . . wake up world
It is scary folks, they are not allowing people out unless someone comes to shelters and picks them up. Homeless people are the most vunerable. Project Genocide and the US leadership are in full force as of September 2017. … Continue reading
riding the waves of change
POPULATION CONTROL ON PLANET EARTH (do your own research for population control beginning with Agenda 21 written back in the 70s) For over 9 years now I have dedicated my life to moving our world forward in some way … Continue reading
Your Intuition Will Help To Set You Free . . .
Practice this skill. Hone this skill. Use this skill to discern all information in our world. Allowing your intuition to express itself may be as simple as asking who’s at the other end of the line before picking up … Continue reading
Wake Up World
If you are not using your voice to speak up about the atrocities & huge deceptions in this world at this time then . . . you are a part of the problem. Wake Up Folks! Wake Wakey World! ~☮♡☮~ … Continue reading
Get It???
Brilliant message . . . Please take the time to watch this and take this information within your heart.
Magical Orbs – May 2017
One of my favorite places in the world is here in Colorado. The South Platte River off Tarryall Road has so many spirits to lift me when I need respite. Early May 2017. Thank Goodness for all God’s creatures great … Continue reading
you are your environment . . .
No more ignoring the obvious . . . NOW DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Genocide is not only happening to Mother Earth and involves the animals. It is a slow ‘big rat’poisoning of all of life … Continue reading