Category Archives: witch
nuclear warning in hawaii last night 1-13-18
Massive mind games about to go down with humanity . . . Stay calm and in your hearts – in that space of just BEing. Our prison guards (New World Order and their minions) want us in a state of … Continue reading
NWO attempting to conquer Colorado in the US
Chaos in Colorado. Our leadership is trying their darnedest to get the New World Order in effect here. Chemtrails, waterways and skies are loaded with toxins. They can’t get their snow storms in this Fall – too many good people … Continue reading
Shining the light on some of the worst evil in our Universe
HINT: Tied to money in our world and they are the bottom dwellers of our Universe “Amschel’s story is a great tragedy. A sensitive, intelligent and good man is born into a megalomaniacal family of generational satanists. He discovers he … Continue reading