(Monday early noon hour – internet just cut out on me with this post. Back up 10 minutes later)
Video of Juliet Assange on Facebook – MY computer won’t allow me to post it as an inline item for some reason or another https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB7DDuX6YrE
I could not agree more with Juliet Assange regarding Facebook and its spying practices. They have some heavy hitters in their management team from DARPA, the dept of defense and I was told since they began corrupting our Whale Communicators page back in 2010 that the CIA runs them. Hmmmmmmm
I am questioning people in the town full frontal today and getting a few people dancing around about the truth here in San Luis. And the truth is the same dark cancerous underbelly that runs through our government, our institutions, our lawmakers, our police forces, our cable companies, electrical companies, our contractors runs heavily throughout this town and valley. You will only be successful in this reality if you don’t question what is happening and do what you are told and keep you mouth shut.
The dark cancerous underbelly around here besides growing farm crops which are not genuinely organic because the valley is being poisoned from the water table below our feet. Putting chemicals right in to the Asekia and dropping temperatures from the sodium compounds they load into the waterways by night which create morning mists and fogs. Check it out for yourselves. Wake yourself up from 3am – 6pm. You will see a gross cold seize your house in those early morning hours when they have been doing this. Frost will appear on some grounds and some roofs involved in this weather manipulation and distribution of deadly chemicals.
There is a lot of abuse of women and children, a really bad attitude in many of the men here as to the role of women in our world. Women are more than sex objects; they are living breathing beautiful intelligent BEings and deserve as much right to this as any man. There is a reputation for alot of inbreeding in these Southern Colorado towns, a lot of satanism, occultism, New World Orders acting in secret waiting for the big calamity that will bring them into full control, a heavily predominant Catholic community that is starving for God’s spirituality and leadership.
The Valley of San Luis is in serious trouble. Mother Earth is being raped daily from all over but they are doing an incredible number on her as well because they know how powerful and sacred this area is in our entire Universe.
There is NO organic any thing growing out here with all the government HAARPing going on. The releasing of massive amounts of chemicals in the skies and from the ground and then running the high electricity cell phone towers on them to move them, bake them, freeze them, chemically combine them and make them somethings else. They can then bring on high winds, bring on tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, you name it.
Liquid petroleum is a big one the continue to put into the environment that is just hideous. There has been talk for years that oil is the remains of deceased civilizations – our ancestors throughout the ages.
Like poisoning us with food with the remains of aborted fetuses traps our DNA and our souls in our Ascension process, the breathing and living in the liquid petroleum environment is this same occult practice taking to a new level. You are full of your ancestors so very much like eating them cause you will choke to death on the petroleum in your environment.
Everyone has to be seeing more of that silky like gray brown silt in your trash bags and containers. It is horrible the way it embeds in carpets and floats through windows and open doors.
Wake Up World!!!
Make sure to bless and imbue those shark infested waters out here with
Immense God Love, healing, harmony, unity, great transformation and transmutation of all the harmful chemicals in the air and in the water into the purest healing love known to mankind. Compliments of our creator and his son Jesus, his son’s wife Mary Magdalene, the whales, the dolphins and all the benevolent BEings who work with us daily on Mother Earth and our entire Universe.
Your intentions to start the seeds, your imagination in your daily blessings and imbuements and imagine connecting energetically with a gold or platinum cord from where you are in our world to San Luis, Colorado in the US.
We will catapult us into a world where heaven can reside on Earth and these criminals who have lead and mislead our world are no more.
Peace Love Freedom for All – the Revolution of Love is done withn full swing and now we BE tending to the flowers and the gardens of life and help the whales and dolphins build upon this new tapestry of life they have been weaving for all humanity for years now.
I did mention Great Transformations didn’t I? The BEST EVER!!!!
Peace Love FREE
My Sunday, Sept 25, 2016 plea for speitual protection as I watched some sketchy things unwind before my eyes about my internet and living conditions. If I dissappear, I want everyone to know what kind of town I am in and where I left from :o)
Please have my back folks . . . even if just in prayer . . . especially in prayers.
Sunday night in San Luis, CO. I am looking for a new place to live. A white double cab truck with dark tinted windows came by the store across the street at about 6:30pm and cut off my internet access to my friend’s store. When I moved closer to the store to get a connection, he came around the corner again in his white truck with a paper license plate NOW something or other.
Black magic happening all night throughout the night – constantly clearing. Landlord got me to move in and clean and now wants me out but can’t get me out because of lease. He’s not playing nice. Old boss chased me on a back road last week while doing water blessings and then came to visit store across the street this morning in her camouflage top. Faded camouflage like all the New World Order folks are showing up in. Jill Browning, owner of the Tree of Life in San Luis, Colorado is not about life giving medicine. She is behind the peeps behind the New World Order. Wake Up San Luis, CO!!!

Jill visiting the business across the street this morning. She and Josh come here often and sometimes park blocking my driveway. Five or 6 times since Jill fired me Aug 20th for asking to many questions about the metal building on her property. Bully’s are not nice folks but sure pretend to be to the community with their BS. Jill is pictured in faded camoflauge top today – many people wearing this like uniforms the last few weeks. Like New World Order Uniforms.
Plus the Hemp Farm – The Tree of Life business with Jill Browning and her investment partner’s henchman Josh. He’s a 40 something year old jerk who brags to the teenagers working with Jill Browning at the Tree of Life Hemp farm about nailing 18 year old girls and shares a picture of his black 18 year old girlfriend. This guy is co parenting a 12 year old daughter he sleeps beside at night. They don’t play nice and don’t like me talkin about the HAARP metal bldg on their property, the metal hoop house and new antenna system going in, etc . . . Yet they say they are growing medical marijuana and they are contaminating Mother Earth so badly with chemicals and electricity in their HAARP bldgs.
Then immediately Victor a man who came into my home rides up on his bike. People say Victor is a drug addict. I ask him who is in the white truck and he doesn’t know yet he is talking to him 5 minutes later when I go to find another internet connection. The white truck was hidden in the parking lot of the Catholic Churches’ compound.
Hmmmmmmm, I am spiritually protected. But a incredible gorgeous town and valley with the Sangra de Cristo mountains yet a dark shady goo has contaminated a large majority of this town’s people who don’t like white folks like me. While working on the hemp farm I had a 30 year old young man who grew up here tell me that his people in the San Luis Valley had a very big probelm. It’s called envy. He says they are horrible with each other and envy rules everything in this town.
Keep me in your prayers and please continue to do land and water blessings daily. Makes a huge difference to Mother Earth.
PS There is good in this town too & really good people – they are in overwhelm and don’t appear to come out much – but it is so overladen with the bad right now. This is what most people are doing is hiding out hoping it will go away.
It won’t go away until you begin talking about it and getting involved.
Blessings and use your heart for discernment, it will give you your truth every time.