Category Archives: awakening

NWO attempting to conquer Colorado in the US

Chaos in Colorado. Our leadership is trying their darnedest to get the New World Order in effect here. Chemtrails, waterways and skies are loaded with toxins. They can’t get their snow storms in this Fall – too many good people … Continue reading

Posted in airbusts of nuclear weapons, Anastasia Maria, awakening, betrayal, black arts, black magic, conversations, darkness, False Light, freemasons, geo-engineering, HAARP, illuminati, integrity, liar, luciferian, luciferians, mind control, mk ultra, occult, occultism, Panama Whale Watch, Reptilian Infestation, Reptilian Invasion, satanics, satanism, US & World Governments Covert Operations, waking up, water, weather modification, Weather War Fare, witch, witchcraft | Comments Off on NWO attempting to conquer Colorado in the US

Conversation about Repurposing

Repurposing a Life    “I had a friend ask me on Friday, “What are you going to do this weekend to really love yourself?” What an excellent question I told her – I love this question and will be asking … Continue reading

Posted in akashic healing, akashic records, Anastasia Maria, animal communication, animals, Astrology King, awakening, cetacean summit, conversations, dolphin healer, Dolphin Healing Group, embera village tours, Findhorn Press, heart, heart communicators, heart songs, integrity, Interspecies Telepathic Communication, iwhales, Joan Ocean, Madeleine Walker, occult, Penelope Smith, repurposing a life, whale & dolphin trips, whale communicators, whale watching panama, whales, wisdom, wisdom of the whales | Comments Off on Conversation about Repurposing

Your HISTORY is not accurate . . .

We are lead to believe what ‘they’ want us to believe. ***’they’ = the ruling elite in our world. Born into bloodlines or chosen for an advanced programmable slave. They are the core of all historical socitieites and anything to … Continue reading

Posted in Anastasia Maria, awakening, betrayal, black arts, black magic, con artist, dark, darkness, free whale desktop backdrop and exercise, history, history is skewed, inaccurate history, luciferian, luciferians, political power | Comments Off on Your HISTORY is not accurate . . .

You Were Born to Fly . . .

You were born with wings why prefer to crawl through life ~Rumi

Posted in airbusts of nuclear weapons, akashic healing, ascension, awakening, conversations, dolphin healer, Dolphin Healing, Dolphin Healing Group, heart, heart communicators, heart songs, peace, waking up, water, whale & dolphin trips, white whale, wisdom, wisdom of the whales | Comments Off on You Were Born to Fly . . .

What Reality Are You Living In?

Changing our history right under our noses. LOL Have you heard of the Mandela effect? This is real people and the sleepers will continue to deny it is true and call the truth-tellers conspiracy theorists. Even thought the very truth … Continue reading

Posted in alternate realities, awakening, betrayal, cern, freemasons, illuminati, New World Order, split realities | Comments Off on What Reality Are You Living In?

People brave enough to speak about the unspeakable and make the actions become unacceptable to us all.

You what I find CRAZY . . . not those conspiracy theorists who tell the truth about what is truly going on in our world. But I think its CRAZY all the people who are sleeping and would rather listen … Continue reading

Posted in awakening, childhood abuse, dolphins, heart, heart communicators, mind control, mk ultra, waking up, whale communicators, whales | Comments Off on People brave enough to speak about the unspeakable and make the actions become unacceptable to us all.