Category Archives: heart communicators
reaching deep into your inner planet and affecting your outer world
Quite a good week and learning alot about telementation. Has improved my planetary healing in a matter of hours. It can take mental telepathy & healing circles to new levels. I can’t wait to share with you. Have an whaley … Continue reading
magic in the inbetween
This is quite the orca encounter. Watch the whole setting as this woman and this orca connect. Watch closely as the sun reflects off the water and then off the water reflected on the orcas nose. Then the smoke mist … Continue reading
cosmic energies coming to the planet
Cosmic Energies through the roof. Magenta is the color of the Son of our Father’s presence as well as the rainbow swirls of color throughout healing humanity and Mother Earth and all benevoelnt BEings upon the Web of Life. His … Continue reading
full moon mother load orb
WOWser, this is incredible. If you zoom into the giant orb there are all kinds of beings inside there. I think this is, hands down, the biggest ORB in relationship to other objects in the picture that has ever shown … Continue reading
kite boarding with whales and friends . . .
Excellent video I have to share one more video. An incredible video that shares with humanity how animals can see underwater, as in the ocean. So very cool to watch how an octupus adapts to his environment. Just breath … Continue reading
The Hero or Heroine’s Journey
The Heroine’s Journey Are you a heroine or a hero? In 1988, American journalist and political commentator Bill Moyers published a book, The Power of Myth.: It brought to light the age old story from across the world related … Continue reading
aerial orcas
Orca is encouraging us to remember who we are and to open our hearts wider and let more love in . . . to Wake UP and realize your amazing brilliance and abilities. Continue reading
Change your inner world . . . and effect great chagne in your outer world
We are multi-dimensional Beings on the verge of break throughs that have never happened in this lifetime or other lifetimes before. First for our Universe. We know less than 5% of what is truly going on in our world. We … Continue reading
you are your environment . . .
No more ignoring the obvious . . . NOW DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Genocide is not only happening to Mother Earth and involves the animals. It is a slow ‘big rat’poisoning of all of life … Continue reading
conversation with ourselves
This awakening process is a journey and unfortunately it does not come with the wave of a magic wand. It is the most important work you will every do. It is the most difficult work you will every do. It … Continue reading