Category Archives: heart communicators

Conversation about Repurposing

Repurposing a Life    “I had a friend ask me on Friday, “What are you going to do this weekend to really love yourself?” What an excellent question I told her – I love this question and will be asking … Continue reading

Posted in akashic healing, akashic records, Anastasia Maria, animal communication, animals, Astrology King, awakening, cetacean summit, conversations, dolphin healer, Dolphin Healing Group, embera village tours, Findhorn Press, heart, heart communicators, heart songs, integrity, Interspecies Telepathic Communication, iwhales, Joan Ocean, Madeleine Walker, occult, Penelope Smith, repurposing a life, whale & dolphin trips, whale communicators, whale watching panama, whales, wisdom, wisdom of the whales | Comments Off on Conversation about Repurposing

They are culling our numbers in our world

Doesn’t matter who you are, eventually they will get to you and continue their culling process. They just need you to clean up the mess of the first few waves of people they attempt to cull. Wake Up World We … Continue reading

Posted in cull, culling, freemasons, geo-engineering, HAARP, heart communicators, history is skewed, illuminati, inaccurate history, integrity, mind control, Mother Earth, New World Order, peace, US & World Governments Covert Operations, US Governments Covert Operations, waking up, water, weather modification, Weather War Fare, whale communicators, wisdom | Tagged | Comments Off on They are culling our numbers in our world

free imbued Whale Communicators & Heart Communicators Desktop Backdrop

I am sharing some of God’s magic with you. The magic that was meant for us all on Earth but was manipulated and used against good humans throughout the ages. Going forward I will be sharing more and more of … Continue reading

Posted in desktop background, free whale desktop backdrop and exercise, heart communicators, whale communicators | Comments Off on free imbued Whale Communicators & Heart Communicators Desktop Backdrop

You Were Born to Fly . . .

You were born with wings why prefer to crawl through life ~Rumi

Posted in airbusts of nuclear weapons, akashic healing, ascension, awakening, conversations, dolphin healer, Dolphin Healing, Dolphin Healing Group, heart, heart communicators, heart songs, peace, waking up, water, whale & dolphin trips, white whale, wisdom, wisdom of the whales | Comments Off on You Were Born to Fly . . .

People brave enough to speak about the unspeakable and make the actions become unacceptable to us all.

You what I find CRAZY . . . not those conspiracy theorists who tell the truth about what is truly going on in our world. But I think its CRAZY all the people who are sleeping and would rather listen … Continue reading

Posted in awakening, childhood abuse, dolphins, heart, heart communicators, mind control, mk ultra, waking up, whale communicators, whales | Comments Off on People brave enough to speak about the unspeakable and make the actions become unacceptable to us all.

eye see the bigger picture now . . .

Communication is key now . . . Stay in your heart space working your heart energy from within and shining it out in our world & our Universe. Imagine yourself a redwood tree supplying great energy to our Universe and … Continue reading

Posted in akashic healing, akashic records, conversations, Dolphin Healing, dreamtime, heart, heart communicators, heart songs, intuitive skills, land & water blessings, mental telepathy, Mother Earth, orcas, peace, spirits, Uncategorized, water, whale communicators, whales, white whale, wisdom, wisdom of the whales | Comments Off on eye see the bigger picture now . . .

Conversations with the Amazon River Dolphins

Amazon River Dolphin Communication with Anastasia in Dec 2011 “I am one of the species that will be leaving your Planet forever. It has been my honor to work with humans to raise the consciousness of this Planet. We have … Continue reading

Posted in animal communication, animals, conversations, Dolphin Healing, dolphins, heart, heart communicators, iwhales | Comments Off on Conversations with the Amazon River Dolphins

Shining the light on some of the worst evil in our Universe

HINT: Tied to money in our world and they are the bottom dwellers of our Universe “Amschel’s story is a great tragedy. A sensitive, intelligent and good man is born into a megalomaniacal family of generational satanists. He discovers he … Continue reading

Posted in Alan Dershowitz, Amschel Rothchild, Bill Clinton, dark, darkness, heart communicators, Hilton-Rothchild, illuminati, Jeffrey Epstein, liar, luciferian, luciferians, marauder, New World Order, occult, occultism, padeophilia, Prince Andrew, Rothchilds, satanics, satanism, whale communicators, wisdom, witch | Tagged , | Comments Off on Shining the light on some of the worst evil in our Universe

Anne Gordon de Barrigon (Panama)

Anne Gordon De Barrigon is a Dark Pretender & Not Someone You Want to Lead U Spiritually Anne’s personal webpage has the following quote on the front page – “I love to inspire others to follow their heart and find their … Continue reading

Posted in animals, Anne Gordon, Anne Gordon DiBargon, Anne Gordon DiBarigon, Anne Gordon DiBarrigon, betrayal, bwitch, cetacean summit, cetacean telesummit, con artist, dark, darkness, dolphin healer, Dolphin Healing, Dolphin Healing Group,, dolphins, embera village tours, False Light, heart, heart communicators, heart songs, land & water blessings, liar, marauder, mental telepathy, Panama Whale Watch, peace, satanics, spirits, Spiritual Teacher, Trip Advisor, whale & dolphin trips, Whale and Dolphin Wisdom Retreats, whale communicators, Whale Watching Guide, whale watching panama, whale wear, Whale Whisperer, whales, wisdom, wisdom of the whales, witch | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Anne Gordon de Barrigon (Panama)

a team we are

She’s the only one we got! Love her every single day. Send blessings to her waterways and her land masses every day. Spend time in meditation or the state of BEing (like the whales suggest we do much more in … Continue reading

Posted in ascension, Collective Consciousness, dolphins, Dr. Emoto, heart, heart communicators, intuitive skills, land & water blessings, Mother Earth, orcas, spirits, water, weather modification, wisdom of the whales | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on a team we are