Category Archives: whales
reaching deep into your inner planet and affecting your outer world
Quite a good week and learning alot about telementation. Has improved my planetary healing in a matter of hours. It can take mental telepathy & healing circles to new levels. I can’t wait to share with you. Have an whaley … Continue reading
magic in the inbetween
This is quite the orca encounter. Watch the whole setting as this woman and this orca connect. Watch closely as the sun reflects off the water and then off the water reflected on the orcas nose. Then the smoke mist … Continue reading
blue moon blues
The full moon on Saturday March 31, 2018 at 10° Libra is a blue moon because it is the second full moon of the calendar month. The Blue Moon March 2018 astrology chart has eight challenging red aspects … Continue reading
full moon mother load orb
WOWser, this is incredible. If you zoom into the giant orb there are all kinds of beings inside there. I think this is, hands down, the biggest ORB in relationship to other objects in the picture that has ever shown … Continue reading
have you lived before . . .
What If learning about your past can heal your future . . . WATCH OTHER EPISODES EPISODE 2 – EPISODE 3 the whole begins to open up wide when you look beyond the surface What don’t you explore your … Continue reading
aerial orcas
Orca is encouraging us to remember who we are and to open our hearts wider and let more love in . . . to Wake UP and realize your amazing brilliance and abilities. Continue reading
clean out your internal planet . . .
Clean out your internal planet and this in turn will clear out our external planet. You want to save the world, start here. ~a very wise whale Live food continues to live after you eat it. There is … Continue reading
Conversation about Repurposing
Repurposing a Life “I had a friend ask me on Friday, “What are you going to do this weekend to really love yourself?” What an excellent question I told her – I love this question and will be asking … Continue reading
People brave enough to speak about the unspeakable and make the actions become unacceptable to us all.
You what I find CRAZY . . . not those conspiracy theorists who tell the truth about what is truly going on in our world. But I think its CRAZY all the people who are sleeping and would rather listen … Continue reading